Sunday 2 May 2010

Died Young, Stayed Pretty

The film died young, stayed pretty produced by Eileen Yaghoobian shows an insight into poster design in America, the film delved into underworld design and interviewed various graphic artists and illustrators whom form and influence this culture. The artists being interviewed talked about their influences and how music is a major influence on this culture, they spoke about the history and reasoning behind the vulgarity and blasphamy often associated with the posters and artwork, behind the posters was a meaning, a passion to continue a lifestyle and culture created from themselves and there art and music.

The methods used to create the posters varied depending on the designer but methods were mainly screen print, making the posters inividual and limited. They spoke about ephemera and how influences are took from found objects and old posters, explaining about the relation to music and how to be succesful the poster has to reflect the power and shock of the lyrics. The power of the poster became the social network, advertising gigs and events to youth culture, whereas the poster shocked the and outraged the middle classes, to the youth of North America it was a liberation, a way for them to express their views and passions.

The film was really interesting as it showed an indepth portrayal of an art subculture which is not often highlighted.

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