Us Now was a TV programme from Ivo Gormley, which explored the Internet and the power of having the ability to network on a wide scale. I hoped the programme would concentrate more on the design aspect of the Internet as Web design is something I have been attempting to learn more about but it in fact centred mainly on the social impact of the Internet which did raise some interesting points.
The programme investigated the positive aspects of the social impact of the Internet such as the ability to participate in group action and the power it gives to the individual to be part of a wider community and to have the control to influence and promote their personal views.
The programme also highlighted how the Internet can be a negative tool for people who don't understand the Internet and how using the web can limit 'real' social interaction forcing a breakdown of community's.
He investigated how people trust the information they receive from the Internet whether the information is true or not and how some people have come to rely on the Internet for their basic needs and how this is dramatically changing society.
He discussed collaboration and the ability to connect with other people from all cultures and backgrounds, which could work in both a positive and negative way, mostly depending on the participants, he predicted that this trend of communicating in virtual groups could lead to the public gaining more power to control major parties in society such as councils and even the government, although possibly sounding a bit far fetched some of his views did seem conceivable and who knows the outcome of giving people the power to influence a mass audience at the touch of a button.
Ivo Gormley described the Internet as "sparking the greatest social change since the invention of the printing press" as I suppose if people are giving the tools to communicate masses of information this is bound to create change and information is power.
He also predicts that the Internet may of created a form of chaos but will lead to a better society, the Internet is a powerful tool and many people couldn't imagine life without it, we trust it, we learn from it and if used responsibly can enrich peoples lives and offer unlimited opportunities.
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