The book concludes with a section titled Portfolio's which features packaging design from 11 companies, some high profile design agencies but also some in-house designers. Each Portfolio introduces the agency or designer then describes the chosen packaging and investigates how the design works within the market it is intended for.
Although not the most thought provoking or visually interesting book it does offer practical advice about packaging design and includes some good examples.
An example of page layout

I quite like this bread packaging, by using photographs the packaging of a simple product becomes a character and creates an atmosphere, creating and emotional connection with the consumer.

This packaging design for an aftershave is a good example of designing for a market, the designer has combines a game into the packaging which not only adds a sense of play but immediatly makes the consumer assume that the product is a fun gadget aimed at men.

Great Description for packaging designing. In corporate sector is most important role of packaging.Thanks for sharing.