When living in North London a few years ago I would often jump on the tube heading for Covent Garden, although there are many fantastic places to see in the capital, I just loved being in Covent Garden, it has an amazing atmosphere, which is busy but with a laid back friendliness. The street entertainers put on their shows in the Piazza as people leisurely watches from the balconies of the Punch and Judy pub or crowds around the entertainer for a better view. The market is surrounded by coffee shops and cafes and everybody always seems to be in a good mood, the buildings are mainly traditional as well as the market and museum, you could visit years later and not much changes in covent garden, even the entertainers will probably be the same, which is probably why the atmosphere is so relaxed, you almost don't feel like your in the centre of London, although it is in the heart of the city's West End theatre land and is home to The Royal Opera House.

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